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sea prayer.

August 29, 2013




So many more beachcombers than the daring ones who are hair wet and neck deep.

So many more just reaching down to find whatever bits made their way to dry ground.

Very few out there reaching arms over head paddling through an unpredictable Power.

I want a curiosity  for these eight of mine.
I want them to see the bits which wash up… and then… want to find the Source.
I want them to dive in with love for more.
I want them to desire more than to stand dry toed on the shore.
and they do…


They seek a Source knowing nothing other than He will answer back.

Knowing if they immerse themselves in this Power that they will come back changed

and when they sleep at night they will not be able to shake the motion …

 in constant connection with the waves of His Power.


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