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She gets to stay.

September 15, 2015


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At the start of  this milking season I thought little Rose was not going to see next year here on the farm.    Not because she was sickly but because she was not a big producer.  I would bring her little pittance of milk in , comparing it to the others and remark, “I guess we will have to sell the little one… no emotion, she will go… but she is so sweet and so proud to get up in the milking stand.” My HusBen would shrug and tell me I could keep her or sell her it made no difference to him…. so of course I would continue to convince him ,”You should see her…she has such heart.  She jumps up on the door to peer in  and  watches the other girls get up on the milking stand and now she is just so thrilled and proud to be part of that crew that she acts like an old pro.  She gives her all…you should see her.”  My tall Midwestern Swedish HusBen would feign interest and tell me to “keep her then” as he has taken to slapping a Pennsylvania Dutch “then” at the end of his sentences.

Now, as we wind down this years milking season I have decided to keep her.  I did the math and in comparison to the older girls she could not compete…. but when I flipped a few pages back and compared their rookie years to Rose’s… she gets to stay!  She held her own and in some ways is far better.  She is sweet , a good mother and above all she is a proud well mannered milker.  I hope she can teach next years rookies a thing or two.

I am glad He compares us to sheep.  Sheep seem to get better the more time you give them.

So with all that said…

I shall keep her then.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Susan Jacobs permalink
    September 18, 2015 1:33 pm

    With a name like Rose.. How could she not be as sweet. Love the picture of her. How is your book coming?

    • September 18, 2015 2:26 pm

      ohhhh…. sigh… that ole thing… some stretches are good… and then some days my finger hovers over the delete key.
      I really struggle with the “audience” and what they would want to read about.
      Thank you a million times for caring and asking,

  2. SUSAN JACOBS permalink
    November 13, 2015 5:17 pm

    I haven’t heard from you in so long. I was missing you. Today it struck me like lightening that you were missing and so I’m checking in on you. Susan

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