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Words of Knowledge… or a New Years Day activity, a tutorial.

December 29, 2011

Some days I feel  just like  a scrap of paper…

but all it takes is one moment spent  wisely and  I notice scrawled upon me is promise.

The future is up ahead and He is there…and here…. and there.

and I want to be found wise-enough to see the stars or signs.

Wanting to hold onto the promises of what the future holds and all the possibilities we seal it so it will be sturdy …

because some days all we have are words….and some days all we have is The Word.

And when we gather together on the first of the New Year we will all pick one…some pick two… and there is a moment when the house is just rustling of rice paper pages of  holy books as people seek out their verse…. and then without anyone invited … someone will excitedly read theirs aloud…and then another and when he is done someone else.

Everyone reading and nodding excitedly to Hear what we can cling to as ours…Listening in strain to hear past just the words.

The house fills with His people…and His word spoken aloud.

With verses of promise tucked away we unfurl the little flags I wrapped in prayer around bamboo skewers.

 They stand tall like a bouquet but as we pull one the others rattle in the jar.

 A curious practice of Seeking under and around in any way we can…
or maybe we are speaking words over each other…
or maybe we will hear the *ping* when we see the word in our year…



The start of a New Year needs more then human resolutions.

And we know His word never returns void...

so with a group determined to Seek we try to Receive..we do this on the New Year’s day  as soon as we can Gather together.

17 Comments leave one →
  1. December 30, 2011 6:54 am


  2. December 30, 2011 11:35 pm

    I so want to do this with my family and my ladies’ tea!!!!! Yes Hold on to His promises…Claim your gift!
    You are truly a treasure I am so glad to have found
    blessings dear one~

    • December 31, 2011 1:47 pm

      sheesh does the goodness ever end with you!
      i totally think you should do this with your women’s tea!
      great idea.

  3. January 2, 2012 12:56 pm

    I so want you to pray and pick a word or verse for me…didn’t realize you were doing this for readers. I thought you were just having a party in your house with this and I absolutely LOVED the idea. Thanks T… love reading all your insights into walking hand in hand with the Lord! ❤

    • January 2, 2012 1:59 pm

      Oh I am so glad you popped up!
      So it’s Psalms 13:5
      and your word is Multiply!
      (wow..praying for you was Go Lexi! you bring Him joy!)

      • March 8, 2012 2:06 pm

        Felt the need to find this again and hold onto it during this season. Both the verse and word are extra meaningful to me now! =D

  4. Loraine permalink
    January 4, 2012 12:12 pm

    Please, please, please, will you pray for me and give me a verse and word? Your blog inspires me so much and I long for that deep relationship with the Lord that is so evident in what you write.

    • January 4, 2012 12:39 pm

      I just love love LOVE handing out words… so here is yours… Interpret your Surroundings! (one of my personal favorites.. I am so glad you too, got it!)
      and your verse is : Deuteronomy 6:4-7

      (side note..when I was praying for you I really saw how HE wants you to set aside any of your “stuff” to really connect in worship… and I didn’t see it in a flamboyant way… just in an honest heart felt connection…where you truly cut through your crowded mind and connect….but over all He just loves you and who you are.)

  5. Janet hoeppner permalink
    January 8, 2013 2:17 pm

    T may I have a word as well? I’m so glad I found your blog! It reminds me of another time…. anyway I forward it to my sweet daughters and some friends and eagerly anticipate when you write again. It reminds me of my time with some prophets….there is nothing better than experiencing God!

    • January 8, 2013 3:25 pm

      Oh my goodness I would love to hear more about your “another time”. I couldn’t agree with you more about getting around likeminded people…it is amazing.
      Your word is “counsel”
      and your verse is Matthew 6:34
      and I guess it goes without saying… I may hand out your word but it is up to you to take it to Him and have Him reveal it all…:)

      • Janet hoeppner permalink
        January 8, 2013 4:28 pm

        Thank you T, I will indeed ask the Lord to reveal His wisdom to me. As for my reference to another time. I read your words and such a longing for times I enjoyed just like you come over me! My church was enjoying a time of revival so awesome that drivers on the road out front would pull over and walk in the church office asking what was happening there. They said they were drawn to stop but didnt know why. I was in church or with my small group 3 or 4 times a week. We use to meet up to worship and pray like most people go out to dinner and other social activities but we couldn’t get enough of Him and, it seemed, He enough of us! And then it seemed like the glory cloud lifted and normal returned. Only I am spoiled for normal. I too had a group of special friends who were together every Sunday night and I loved being with them and together the Presence the Lord was greater than when we were apart. That group is gone, destroyed by the enemy. And so when I read many of your posts I smile in rememberance and in anticipation. There is coming a time in which the enemy will have no power and dancing with the Lord will be the norm. Until then, I am not complaining but I am wistful. Thank you for a window into your life and joyful community. Set a guard at the gate!! You and yours are the target. “May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you peace!!!” Num. 6:24,25,26

      • January 8, 2013 4:44 pm

        I was afraid/thought that is what you would say… we have seen that here too. A certain few from our original group have left… they wanted structure and schedule…. they began to nitpick… and than there was even more manipulative outside forces… it was sad at first. Now I see why they are gone… there is no way they could have gone where we now are. Most of the “shaking those who can be shook off” has happened after we started PFW (our saturday night worship and the outside attacks came more recently, since fall.. I elude to it in my writings..however I don’t want to perpetuate the negative energy so I just glaze over it here. I have often wondered if I am helping or hurting people by not being more open about it… I do want people to know the realities of pursuing Him, but I don’t want to tell other people’s stories or give the enemy a bunch of credit. If that makes sense, lol.
        I am so glad you have stopped by… you advice falls on alert ears
        Thank you,

      • Janet hoeppner permalink
        January 8, 2013 5:13 pm

        T, as for whether or not to talk abou the cost. i guess you must use discernment. But remember Jesus said if they hated me they are going to hate you. Baby Christians on their honeymoon may not know that but they and the rest of us need to know and practice the Truth. He said it would set us free. And as for giving the enemy credit, it’s more like setting a sentinal like the wild animals do. Or like the watcher on the wall,,,,if you know what to look for you are forwarned and forarmed!

      • January 9, 2013 9:09 am

        it is frustrating… but the watcher on the wall is a great example.
        thank you for all your words… I hope to stay alert.

  6. April permalink
    January 5, 2014 9:01 pm

    Your word for me last year was right on… I have been craving a word from my Father for years, and that was the first I had heard in many. I can’t describe the elation I felt after hearing him! I can’t wait for another… I’m ready for a word for this New Year! Thanks so much for this blog… His Spirit simply oozes off the screen and I am always blessed and refreshed after reading for a few minutes.

  7. Tracey Stewart permalink
    January 6, 2014 12:39 pm

    Hi T,
    I would love to receive a word please. I am so encouraged by your blog; your relationship with the Lord definitely shines through. The Lord bless you and family!

    • January 6, 2014 1:00 pm

      wow thank you so much!
      Tracey your word is:
      Hold On
      and your verse is:
      Ephesians 2:8
      please seek Him for all the details He has so much to say!

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